For young ladies awareness of breast health, early.
Puppy dogs, wagons, dolls dressed in pink, love mommy’s hugs & daddy’s wink.
Read me a story, tuck me in, rise & shine, another day with friends.
School’s almost here.. I had my shots.. now, I shouldn’t get sick with itchy spots.
My mom always told me how time flies by, I cant believe I’m in junior high!
I’ve learned so much about my body, my bike came to mind when hearing of cycling.
It wasn’t the same.. NOT at all.. kinda’ like my jeans that are now too small.
My mirror helps me stand straight & tall, but what were those curves I just saw?
I found someone safe to talk to, about all the changes my body’s gone through.
As I mature from a young lady, I must be aware early and check myself monthly.
Every check, I must do my best, while hoping researchers find a biological test.
Now I understand earlier detection, that’s why my pink ribbon faces the other direction.
Doll sales give back to The Rady Lady Foundation, Inc. funding the creation of dolls of various cancer types or other causes, donations of dolls to various cancer treatment centers or other charitable organizations, and to individuals diagnosed with cancer or other illnesses and struggling with medical bills.